Friday, March 16, 2012

Have you geocached?

Hello all!

so.. my aunt becky told my mom and I about this thing called geocaching. It is basically a hide-n-seek game that is universal. What you do is go on this website: You will have to create an account.. (don't worry, I don't think you need anything but the basic account), after that you just type in your postal code, and it will show you geocaches that are near your town or in your town. Click on a specific one listed, and it will give you coordinates for a GPS. At this point you need an actual gps, or a gps on your phone. Punch in the coordinates to said gps, and hunt away.

The geocache website gives you different specifics such as how big the geocache is, and maybe the owner or "placer" of that geocache will give a hint to exactly where to look after you're near the location. Size hint will be anywhere from micro to large I believe. Micro is about the size of a film canister. It also lists the difficulty of the find. Another helpful thing is to look for how many smileys you see at the end of the page. That explains how many people have found it.

Anyway, after you find the geocache you log it on the website by clicking the log a find button on each geocache.

If you get confused, on the geocache website, there is a "geocache 101" page that helped me a lot.

My mom and I tried to do geocaching, but there was nothing close enough that would be worthy of a first time try. I think we are going to try again soon! I plan to take pictures of sites as we find them. I think after we find our first one, it will be a lot easier. Anyway, I think if would be fun, to go on a vacation and be like "oh, let's go look for a geocache!!!" (say in like... africa) keep in mind this a UNIVERSAL game!

Geocache away young followers!

Live Confidently.



I went for a run yesterday. It was the best I've done outside thus far. I ran 3.5 miles. Which is .3 further than I have done before. I know it's not a huge leap, but I am happy. (:

Off to enjoy the last part of my spring break.

Live Confidently.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Nice kicks! Where you get 'em?

Look at my new kicks! When I got home for spring break my mom said she wanted to get me new running shoes. I was ecstatic enough to know that I was getting new ones, then I find out we are going to The Running Room to get them. Umm, this equals a very happy girl.

I was super nervous about going to the Running Room because I am always concerned that people are going to judge me on the way I look.. and since this is strictly a running store, it's for people who... run. haha! To my delightful surprise the guy that analyzed my feet was the sweetest runner I have EVER met. He helped me pick out "cute" but good shoes for my feet, and he exclaimed "I know how it is, I got 3 girls at home that need cute shoes." He was the first person in a running themed situation that I didn't feel like judged me based on what I looked like.

Let's just say, i'm not a size 0, blonde girl, that runs an 8 minute mile ;)

I'm content where I am now. I am finally home for spring break. I have 8 more days at home.

I ran 3.2 miles around my neighborhood today. It was delightful on the way out, but the second half (the way home) was hilly, and the wind was a bit gusty at times. None the less, it was perfection. 3 more miles outside till I reach my goal of 6.2 miles (just in time for race day, April 28th!)

Live Confidently.

PS. Let's not forget it's going to be 60 degrees tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

it's never been this easy!


As I said in the last post, I finally got back to running.

So I did a 2 mile run, and I was really worried after that because it was difficult to complete.

HOWEVER, I did a 4.07 mile run!!! I don't know how I did this, but I only started getting tired around 3.5 miles, so decided to stop right after 4 miles. I've been really nervous about being able to get back to where I was before I stopped running, but I never thought it would be that easy! I am a happy girl!

Onto other news... We reached 58 degrees yesterday, so naturally I ran outside. I ran with one of my very good friends, Sara, and we went around the lake. It was so beautiful!

Helpful tip:
follow the tip that says to dress as if it was 10 degrees warmer.. because oh my.. I was dieing in my fake under armour!

After that run, I took a break and got a nice dinner with a few friends (Allie and Megan), and then decided to go for another run on the treadmill. I ran for 2.5 miles.

Today is going to be a rest day, just because I have a lot to get done.

1. A club meeting, where I hope the editor doesn't shoot down my re-vamped article!

2. Photo lab hours for my advertising photography. Who woulda thought that shooting a Spam can would be this hard? As a friend would say... "damn spam..."

3. Study for one of my midterms.. (getting nervous)!

How is everyone doing? I'm sure living and loving life!

Live Confidently.

Thursday, March 1, 2012



I am in an ultra good mood today. I finally got to running again. It is a joyous day. I know that I am not nearly as in shape as I was the last time I ran (4.5 miles), but I did successfully run 2.2 miles, and could have gone a little bit longer. The only thing that was bothering me was my bad ankle. It is getting better, but it is still not perfect.

Another part of good news. I weighed myself last night before my run, and only was up 3 lbs from the last time I weighed myself (before my last run, that feels like eons ago). I don't feel too bad about that!

I hope everyone is feeling as fantastic as I am. I can't wait for the weekend. I know I have to work one of the two days, but that's fine!

Live Confidently.