Saturday, April 28, 2012

Let's fight child obesity!

Any ideas what my title even means?

Yes, that is right!!! I did my first 10K EVER! Let's not forget to mention that during my training, I never ran a 10K to prepare myself.

So... a little update on the race:

It was called the Get In Gear 2k (fun run), 5k, 10k, and half marathon race to show awareness of child obesity. I was signed up for the 10K. With a few set backs of not wanting to train too hard, I just kind of was blah as the clock ticked to race day. Ironically, I woke up at 5:45 AM when I wasn't even really supposed to be up at 6:30 so I may have been a tad excited. The race I heard possibly brought in over 30 thousand people, I know that I for sure saw a bib that was in the 10,000s. It's the biggest 10K race in Minnesota, and 13th in the nation.. I think that gives you a little clue.

Although I was not prepared for this race and it was sleeting when we started.. it was literally flawless. It was the best I ever run. EVER.

I had three goals:

• Not to be the last person to finish.
• Run the whole 6.28 miles
• Actually enjoy the run, because I have a tendency to forget about how fun it is supposed to be, and dread it.

I'm proud to say that I accomplished all three of my goals!! I ran the WHOLE way without having the necessary training, I enjoyed the whole thing, and there was 500 PEOPLE behind me!!! Seeing now that I can finish a 10K no problem, it just gets me that much more excited about signing up for my next race! Hell ya!

Race Setup:
The race was around a nice park in the cities of Minnesota. They had shuttles going into the park because they had roads closed and stuff. Preferred One was the biggest sponsor of the race.. they had lots of water (one check point half way through my run that I did not even drink!) The half marathoners did not split off from us 10K's until about 5 miles in, so it was cool to see some really great runners. I heard they had pictures taken, and they called names as people came across the finish line. Bibs had trackers on them, so they emailed us our stats. After the race they had a bunch of things going on, but I was cold, wet, and tired so I grabbed a water and made my way out of the park.

I loved the experience and can't wait until next time!

Live Confidently.