Wednesday, December 21, 2011

hallelujah (In more than one way!)

Howdy folks!

HALLELUJAH... I finally finished my semester in college. It definitely went very fast, almost like a blur. This semester was great, because I learned a lot of things for my major. Some things that I didn't care for, but i'm glad I learned it.. but more important news, next semester is a lot of design work! I am soooo excited, because I suck at design, and I LOVE IT! I keep fretting over and over about not being able to do design work, and people just say those dreadful words "just experiment..", I hate that! I just want to be taught some useful things about design, and then I will experiment, as they say. 

I like to goof around on Photoshop, but after I am done with a project, I hate it enough to just throw it in the trash!

...but on to other news! It's almost Christmas! I am very happy, because it's been a green.. (well mostly brown) December. So it's been a nice change up from the typical Minnesota blizzard type weather. I am super excited for Christmas because I got this awesome gift for my mama, and I am pretty sure she will love it! I just love the holiday in general because it is such a relaxing time away from the hectic schedule at school.

So if anyone is actually reading this, and has some advice for a VERY novice designer, throw some comments at me, other than that...

Happy Holidays
(Merry Christmas)

Live Confidently.


  1. Just experiment...couldn't resist...I am sure you will find your come comment on my blog!

  2. Ooo, thanks for responding Amanda! I think that will be my goal this winter, just kinda mess around and see what happens.


Drop me a line!