Thursday, December 29, 2011

Big Transitions

Hello all!

So I have decided that this is going to be more of a running/exercise blogging experience.. as I gain thoughts of places/races/exercises that I think worthy to share, I will.. along with this, I will be adding in my progress with running. I think this will motivate me more to keep working out.

I just completed my first 5K on December 25th, 2011. It was the Joyful 5K in St.Paul Minnesota. I honestly believe that it was set up so great. I had a fabulous time with my mom and my cousin.. Some of the pluses were that they took pictures of everyone, and they were emailed to us at no charge. Seriously, best surprise.EVER. haha! I would say a negative is, that the course was two times around the lake. Some newbie runners kind of get discouraged when they see they are only half way done. (kind of a mindset thing). They had hot and cold refreshments along with bananas, oranges, and apples. Over all it was great 5K experience.
Here are some pictures!!

 Me running!

My momma's first 5K.. EVER!

Miss Laura (my cousin), making it look so easy, like usual! haha.

 All three of us after we were done racing/eating!

Live confidently.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

hallelujah (In more than one way!)

Howdy folks!

HALLELUJAH... I finally finished my semester in college. It definitely went very fast, almost like a blur. This semester was great, because I learned a lot of things for my major. Some things that I didn't care for, but i'm glad I learned it.. but more important news, next semester is a lot of design work! I am soooo excited, because I suck at design, and I LOVE IT! I keep fretting over and over about not being able to do design work, and people just say those dreadful words "just experiment..", I hate that! I just want to be taught some useful things about design, and then I will experiment, as they say. 

I like to goof around on Photoshop, but after I am done with a project, I hate it enough to just throw it in the trash!

...but on to other news! It's almost Christmas! I am very happy, because it's been a green.. (well mostly brown) December. So it's been a nice change up from the typical Minnesota blizzard type weather. I am super excited for Christmas because I got this awesome gift for my mama, and I am pretty sure she will love it! I just love the holiday in general because it is such a relaxing time away from the hectic schedule at school.

So if anyone is actually reading this, and has some advice for a VERY novice designer, throw some comments at me, other than that...

Happy Holidays
(Merry Christmas)

Live Confidently.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Run, Run, Run as fast as you can

Hello all,

A couple of months ago, my mom and I started the "Couch to 5K" running plan. It was during the beginning of summer, because I was still in school. Basically, if you don't know what it is: it is a program that shows you how far to run/walk 3 times a week. I believe the very first day you run 200 yards (or 60 seconds), and then walk for 100 yards (or 30 seconds), and do this same rotation for 20 minutes straight. Now, keep in mind I stopped high school sports during my junior year, and became very inactive. My mom and I both had A LOT of difficulty with this first one. It happened to be the length of the school yard near my house for the 200 yard run.. and oh my goodness! We were completely out of breath.

We, unfortunately had to stop the program because of the heat in the middle (without finishing).. believe it or not Minnesota isn't just great at harsh winters. Anyway, I went off to my Sophomore/Junior year in college in the Fall. My mom started to finish the program on September 4th, and I started back up on September 29th. I am very proud to report that my mom and I both finished the program, (not without some bumps, bruises, and difficulties), and we can run a full 5K now (December 17th, 2011). We have been able to run a full 5K since about the end of October, and we run it once every other day. We have never missed a day.

I am super pumped, because not only are my mom and I both down 10 and 9 pounds since the beginning of December, we both also signed up for our first 5K RACE which is on Christmas Day! We are doing it with 3 other members in our extended family who have recently just started running themselves. It is an extremely exciting day to say the least.

                                                Mom, Me, Becky, Laura, and Beth.
Here is a picture of the members in the extended family who have also started running along with my mom and I!

Live Confidently.


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Graphics... (they're all around us!)

Hi there!

Firstly, welcome to my blog.

I am currently a Junior in college, and I am in the graphics field. I'll only delve into this a bit, because otherwise I won't have anything to talk about! Basically, what I do is oversee the entire process of a printed product, including the idea, design, and the output of it.

In this blog I intend to share my aspects on life, occurrences, photos, exciting things, and of course my dreams (real, and the ones I have while sleeping!)

I hope everyone enjoys my blog!