Friday, March 9, 2012

Nice kicks! Where you get 'em?

Look at my new kicks! When I got home for spring break my mom said she wanted to get me new running shoes. I was ecstatic enough to know that I was getting new ones, then I find out we are going to The Running Room to get them. Umm, this equals a very happy girl.

I was super nervous about going to the Running Room because I am always concerned that people are going to judge me on the way I look.. and since this is strictly a running store, it's for people who... run. haha! To my delightful surprise the guy that analyzed my feet was the sweetest runner I have EVER met. He helped me pick out "cute" but good shoes for my feet, and he exclaimed "I know how it is, I got 3 girls at home that need cute shoes." He was the first person in a running themed situation that I didn't feel like judged me based on what I looked like.

Let's just say, i'm not a size 0, blonde girl, that runs an 8 minute mile ;)

I'm content where I am now. I am finally home for spring break. I have 8 more days at home.

I ran 3.2 miles around my neighborhood today. It was delightful on the way out, but the second half (the way home) was hilly, and the wind was a bit gusty at times. None the less, it was perfection. 3 more miles outside till I reach my goal of 6.2 miles (just in time for race day, April 28th!)

Live Confidently.

PS. Let's not forget it's going to be 60 degrees tomorrow!


  1. I love the Running Room... think how I felt going in my weight etc etc... give yourself a break... Your mom must have done her taxes! lol And they are cute! Run on....

  2. yeah, all of the attire is expensive, but I have my eye on some really cute shorts..

    We both did our taxes. Both of us had nice returns as well.

    I must "run on", because of my race on the 28th!


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